
We sure they didn't just copy and paste Clair's character description?

Yeah, I missed that news. That'll teach me to skim the Newswire.

She'd be sweet on Legends. Not sure how much she fits in on Arrow now without both of her friends Parkour Legend Roy Harper and Sarah there.

oh god. what did i miss.

McKenna as Vigilante is something I can get behind.

I don't know if I can handle another resurrection. It would be a good way to give Merlyn something worthwhile to do on the show though.

tight leather and crossbows though

Who Should Come Back Rankings

dude's been riding solo for a few years in an underground prison on a secret para-military controlled island. anything remotely not-concrete is gonna look pretty schmick to him.

How does Alec Baldwin's apparent inability to see how shit this movie will be make him not blind enough for the role?

the only thing you catch when you chase koalas is syphilis.

My playlist is "They were probably lying when they said they loved you."

nobody of note, but multiple people when i was in high school said that i looked identical to a kid at another school. as far as I know, we were never in the same place at the same time so i've never been able to rule out the possibility that i wasn't also that person too.

As a Sixers fan, I'd have guessed you'd want Embiid's knees as far away as possible from wrestling.

my dad has 4 movies downloaded on his iPad. two of them are pitch perfect.

I've been playing a hell of a lot of Xiaoyu in 7 so far. Such a satisfying moveset. I'm below average at best but you just feel so elegant and skilled when you pull off a counter into one of her sweet combos.

each comment leads us closer to being sucked into the big vagina in the sky

geez, thanks justin. the youths will be out there avada kadaving at all hours now.

everyone knows the catacombs are where the illumanati are based.

It's OK, Ravi. I'd have told Rachel everything, too.