Heh. No kidding. Point out a simple, provable fact, and get called a Trump supporter. Not sure where that desperate leap in “logic” came from, but there it is.
Heh. No kidding. Point out a simple, provable fact, and get called a Trump supporter. Not sure where that desperate leap in “logic” came from, but there it is.
That was indeed a cogent comment. Very well-said.
“war hero” =/= POW
He spent that amount of time as a prisoner because he was one of the worst pilots ever. The End.
lol at your whole post. It’s like you’re retarded or something.
The problem with McCain is that his personal brand of close air support has always been a little too close for the people on the ground under him. Aside from his clear tendency to crash into every object at hand (target fixation much?), I don’t think that slamming into the ground and being captured should be treated…
“It’s just their culture. We just don’t understand them.”
Because Bill O’Reilly, that’s why.You tell me.
“Once I was finished behind shouted at I wandered out of the gymnasium”
Mr. Rogoway, it’s articles like this, being lost to Gawker, that are going to sink the site. Good on you for your new job, and I will surely follow you there. Cheers, mate!
It’s a hard row to hoe to see you go, Tyler, but rest assured that we are still with you. You are the best at this sort of thing, and once again Denton has proved himself an idiot.
“how much of the world I’ve seen”
Sad and angry? Mais non, cher. The only thing I feel in this regard is pity towards you and your snowflake friends, as you are in for one seriously brutal awakening once you hit the real world, or more correctly, once the real world hits you. Bon chance, mon petit mouton.
So, by that way of thinking, should we also forgo any images of Stalin or Mao, who were much more recent and made Hitler look like a Boy Scout, in order that nobody has to be reminded of the horrors they inflicted? Fuck off with that bullshit. While never forgetting the monsters these people were, the best thing to do…
It’s all good. America will grow to love him. Through gleichschaltung, to be sure, but it will happen.
Do you seriously believe that Jewish people don’t straight-up run the US sports, entertainment, and media industries? Because if so, that’s pretty adorable. The fact that they do so is no concern of mine, but pretending that it’s otherwise irritates the shit out of me. What does cue-ball Silver have to do with…
Yes, because Jewish people always put other minorities above themselves. Just like that cue-ball up there actually gives a flying fuck about the black dude, other than to make money off him. Sure thing.