
Not “Doomsday” stuff, but regarding orders, I would most likely just follow them, because I trust in my government.

“... it wouldn’t be terribly difficult to siege NK and starve them into cooperation.”

But at the end of the day, it’s still a fucking Chrysler. So, just... no.

Dysentery is boring, plus usually it’s the dumb bastards’ own fault. No-one cares about dysentery, except when it’s fun.

Nope, and I hope I never have to, but I have served in the military in a combat role (as have people in my family going at least as far back as the Boer War), and I know that wars sometimes need to be fought sooner than later.

I just hope we can get the war on soon. All this waiting is making me antsy.

This, all of it. You don’t shit-talk in world rugby, period, and doing so just as some American Negro would-be cock-of-the-walk in the real world is going to get you smashed hard, and I wouldn’t offer even a dirty nickel for his health chances after that. He best brush up further on his sprinting skills if he wants to

Laughing so hard right now at all the vitriol being directed at your comment. Who knew so many Iowans were Gawker fans? :-)

“I have black friends”

“Lolz. The fact that YOU think people who aren’t white don’t have the same opportunities makes you inherently racist. You understand that irony, right?”

You are correct, and starred for it. It raised a conversation, though, did it not? Don’t be so quick to judge.

Shh. I’m trying to have fun here. :-)

Bitte schön.


Sure thing, skippy. Yeah, that would never happen here. Good one.

False. There are plenty of successful people in America who are non-white. They got that way for a reason, though. Anyone can succeed in America, and tens of thousands prove it every day.

When people rag on you all the time simply based on what you look like, it gets a bit boring, you know?


I don’t feel that way, just so you know. Most of my friends are from backgrounds different from me, and they look different from me, with religions different from me, and yet we all get along. :-)

Brilliant. That is all.