
Just do what China did: Lots of fakery and CG.

Huh. And I thought is was just a boring, stupid, overused meme. Go figure.

Why so generous?

“Ok, I’ll bite - what happens if I don’t register the indoor toy helicopter I bought 3 years ago?”

I never thought I’d see the day when the American Medical Association went toe=to-toe with the FAA. Now I can die happy.

Somehow I’m not surprised that /b/tards would be attracted to the trade of “Nursing Home Worker”.

“What you’re describing would be much more feasible in a low-gravity environment like the moon or a comet, where the final landing could be managed using lighter and more reliable gas propellant thrusters after the main engines were used to slow on approach.”

Still not as silly as lining up for Star Wars.

I think I’ll let someone else take care of all the problems in your answer.

Well, that explains my last few Christmas hookups, anyways.

Long story *coughs*, but I was a founder of the MMO, and there’s at least a somewhat chance that I’m old enough to be your grandfather. :-)

lol. Whereas I feel bad because I might be. Thanks, Japan!

True story: I was offered a spot as one of 5,000 (I think) founders of the Hello Kitty MMO some years back, and I took it on a lark. So, yeah, that happened. :-)

I’m presuming you’re an ESL speaker, and so instead of mocking you for your clear illiteracy, I will offer you a gift as a newcomer: [ ]

You should prob’y go see a doctor. :-)

That... is bloody amazing, and thank you. Fantastic stuff, and good job.

Genuinely curious: Does anyone know why, outside of tradition and tech bragging rights, people are trying to land rockets on their tails? I understand why tail-directed force is preferable during normal flight, but while landing, would it not make more sense to just do it on the vehicle’s side, e.g., something like

Speak for yourself, sir.

Thank you for that, sincerely, and cheers to you.
