
Your co-worker was correct, I feel.

The dinks slaggin’ here notwithstanding (srsly, wtf, guys? If you don’t like it, just don’t click...), good article.

Pfft. Microbes, indeed. Watch what kinja microbes can do. It’s like magic.

I think so, too, but it least it wasn’t too far off, more’s the pity. Blerg.

Just mind the Canadians, cher. They are some tricksy bastards. :-)

lol. Stupid wu mao dang.

“Doctors concluded that kids would have to eat over a pound of leaves to get an equivalent dose.”

Snow on my doorstep in the morning 2 days ago. Was not amused. :-)

Because the courts got permission to lift Denton’s servers and inspect them, including the ones overseas, and so right now Denton is shitting his pants, trying to disassociate himself from All Things Gawker, including the ownership of any profitable sub-blog, so that he can try to pretend that he’s just a harmless

Too French. :-)

No worries. America will soon have a new currency.

At least now we have treatments for syphilis that don’t involve mercury. :-)

“True, bananas weren’t invented until 1867.”

Now playing

Admittedly I’m somewhat autistic, but I hope you’re not actually a Russian troll, because Russian trolls are only excelled in stupidity by Chinese trolls. Please do elaborate, though, by all means. Because Russians are not particularly bright, other than in an autistic sense. What I’m trying to say is, in general,

Never mind Pepsi, the phone is actually being produced by the Chinese government. Yeah, surely nothing bad could come of that.

“Phone” in Mandarin when plural is still “Phone”.

Murr’ca. God forbid the survivors of hardship be eligible for help from the community, with no shame and with all love. That’s socialist talk if I’m not mistaken, such as they speak in such shitholes as Canada and Norway.

I just wanted to say that I really like your screen name. Nice work. :-)

From the recent parade. I didn’t make this, and while there were no hammer-and-sickle logos, this is still pretty telling, this many years after the Wall fell:

“Aside from the computer screens, all of these photos look like they could’ve been taken in 1985.”