This is at the crux of the problem. There is no real way to tell good traffic from bad traffic. You can only make excellent guesses.
This is at the crux of the problem. There is no real way to tell good traffic from bad traffic. You can only make excellent guesses.
I'm not totally unsophisticated and I read the whole article, but I am more confused now than when I started reading. This quotation is indecipherable to me:
If I may be so bold...
If what LizardSquad said is true about the size of the attack, then frankly no amount of extra spending would have protected Sony anyway.
I was being facetious! Come on!
Certainly not from lack of trying. Granted, the vehicle pictured on the left converts from a "car" to a plane. Not quite a flying car.
What's wrong with T-shirt cannons?
At least someone else picked up on the irony...
Here is one of my all-time favourite avoation photos:
Best F-4 memory is me and my cousin in our teenage year, rowing a boat with two girls along, on a series of lakes in the suburbs north of Copenhagen. Then two F-4s fly over us, one of them trailing flames, and right there it drops three underwing fuel tanks. Read later in the paper they fell in the only lake with no…
I used to carpool home from Jr High with a kid whose dad was a Vietnam F4 pilot, then downgraded to a honda civic. It was *awesome*. He drove with an intensity that I had never seen. He did seem to feel that the civic was just a touch down on power. He toggled the AC almost continuously — as if pushing the…
Heh, might be the best plane/song combo ever.
"Ja, das people of Malta ver not so happy with my ... how you say ... "aerobatic maneuvers" 50 years ago!" thought Generalleutenant Rall as he lit the afterburners ...
Is it just me or at 0:32-34 in the first vid, does the whole fucking airframe generate one of those lift vortex thingies you see on the canards of a flanker or the shouldery bit of a super hornet? And again in the 2nd video, just before the green artifact at 6:34.
The F-4 had a hell of a run, and the fact that a plane designed in the 50s remains even vaguely relevant in the 2010s is amazing. It is the Olds 442 of the skies. Thanks for sharing!
Good stuff, Tyler... Try this on for a lead image....
They're obviously rechambered in 30mm T-shirt cannon rounds.
This would be my ultimate amphib Taxi:
I wonder how demilitarized these are.