
After looking at that photo, I just really want a Creamsicle now. I went to the freezer, and my choices were Fudgcicle or Otter Pop. I went with an orange Otter Pop. Not cutting it.

I’m like..........

Listen. Everything you said is legit. No matter what issues you face in life, you have those thoughts of “what could I have done better, differently, more of, less of, etc.” It’s only natural to think of it that way for trauma as well. Just know that in this instance, it was NOT your fault and you did what you needed

“I will not judge someone for how they heal what others broke” is such a beautiful sentiment and so beautifully phrased. As both a survivor and an ally to survivor, that’s something I’m going to remind myself and others of going forward. Thank you.

To be honest I’m mostly offended by the horrendous way in which you butchered that last sentence. A muddled commenter does not a good troll make.

I will not judge someone for how they heal what others broke. She's not hurting anyone. I wish her well.

Yeah, how dare people try to come to terms with past trauma through art? So annoying.

I am positive there are some women who aren’t comfortable doing that, and I imagine there are probably some men too.
That being said, it’s totally a fine thing to do if both parties consented and are comfortable with. I find it sexy, but I would never ever pressure a partner to do that with me if they weren’t

God, this is just terrible.

penalty kick

I love sports. I really do. But I am sick to death of entitled, aggressive athletes. As a woman who loves sports, the culture makes me rage-y. I just want to enjoy some sports action where the participants aren’t raping, beating, and murdering people.

I saw someone comment somewhere that if this were gender swapped the prison sentence would have been much for severe, I can’t help but agree. Her sentence is so weird and accommodating.

‘Women Correcting Grammar And Spelling Because There Is A Generation Of Men Who Don’t Know How’

I did this recently with some old acquaintances who were talking about the Patrick Kane rape case. I was like, “Uh, if I single, near a hockey star like him, and the moment presented itself, I would have gone home with him. I wouldn’t have expected to get raped”. Someone I don’t really know that well, said, “But

If you want to get married, it’s probably best (or at least more pragmatic) to look and act a certain way (that I think involves a handjob motion) if you’d like to signal worthiness to all the men in a one-mile radius. Is acknowledging this sexist or practical?

Because Sir Patrick Stewart is Sir Patrick Stewart, whatever cesspool he happens to be standing in at a given moment.

Right? Where is this magical Vallhalla that people are unaware of what men think all the time?

God, RIGHT??? It’s like white history month! Or christian pride day! Or hetero & proud week! WE KNOW!!!! White straight christian males are the default in this country, the majority of the history books are written by and about them, most of the tv & movie stars are them! UGH!!!

I’m a 26 year old American man & even I recognize the irony of American men saying women have “unrealistic standards”. For fucks sake guys you're embarrassing us!