
English teacher here, among other things, and you can shut the hell up. "ø" isn't a character on an English keyboard, as you most likely well know, so piss off, trøll.

Shit lemurs don't deserve a break because they are shit lemurs. The good lemurs, though, those I can feel sorry for.

Chill, dude. I highly doubt it was deliberate. Much more likely it just a bit of brain-lock when writing in a hurry.

Pic related.

Okay, that's it.

You might want to look up the actual word 'shoat'. Just sayin'. Unless you want people to think there's something seriously wrong with you.

"I like it! Now get out there and market that shit!

lol. I know, right? The display of butthurt should be epic. Cheers.

The Dark Art parody straight-up kicked ass. And as the rabid, whining fanboys will be out in force for this post, I think I'll kick back with the popcorn and enjoy the repeated braying of, "It's not a failure, it's a FEATURE!"


Fu Manchu. You're doing it wrong.

Appleheads are like Republicans, though. As long as they keep crying, we'll keep laughing.

Lol'ing at the completely predictable fanbois. If the only way to recharge an idevice was to ram a cable down their throats, through their entire digestive tract and then out their anus to plug it in, with the process being reversed to disconnect it, they'd still defend it.

The way you read it was correct. It was very poor wording on the writer's part.

I lol'd. Welcome, new friend.

Well done, sir. At least the new commenters are useful for something, if only to laugh at.

I lol'd. Well done.

That was brutal. It was like a 'choose-your-own-adventure' gone bad.

Could be worse, dude.

I'm pretty sure it was a poll of high school students. I actually cringed when I saw that, and the shite following it didn't change my impression. Maybe it was a 'choose-your-own-adventure' project?