
So, does the human and animal waste just get dumped (sorry) in the lake? And related, is the lake where they get their drinking water as well as water for washing themselves and their food? Genuinely curious. Pic related.

lol. Well played.

Right. Like North Korea would have a trolling website like The Onion. Just keep living that fantasy. Here's something to help you along.

I'm voting for Julian Assange to be The Man With The Thistledown Hair. Not even joking. :-)

Alan Rickman. I'm not sure where yet (I need to ponder on it further), but Alan Rickman.

No one else has said it, so I will: find a copy of the book, and read it. It is a masterpiece. I doubt very much that you will be disappointed.

I see that Mr. Bricken's writing in the other post has indeed precipitated your drinking, much as it has my own. Salud, good sir. Your accurate assessments remain unclouded, though, which is as should be expected.

I'm glad I didn't have to hold my own piss during that long-winded stream of textual urine. Also, I think you going to huff ether for a few hours sounds like an excellent idea. Bear in mind, too, that if you happen to pass out with the ether-soaked rag still on your face, nothing of value will have been lost.

Agreed. *raises glass*

And you get an "A" in American education. Pro-tip: "North" doesn't mean "Uphill".

Best. Dad. Ever.

"iTunes 11 Hands-On: So Fast and Clean You Might Actually Come Back"


lol! Nice job, bro. Very nice.



In the real world no one hates it. This is just more paid kinja-spin bullshit, and Denton can shove it up his ass. There's a higher "elevated conversation" on any given thread on /b/ than there ever will be here again. I feel sad, because I used to love the Gawker sites.

"That little jab would've won, were it not for this stellar quip about Kinja ass-licking as a proxy for Nick Denton himself, whose anus I pray that I may one day tongue before I die"

As unfortunate as it it may be if true (paying attention to the "possible" side effect perspective), it's still better than dying. Taking it one step further, though (Dr. Emilio Lizardo, where are you?), there might be the perspective that upon being faced with the prospect of death, areas devoted to planning and