
I’d watch that. 

Aladdin can have a kid-ish voice. He’s supposed to be a teen. Jafar is supposed to be the power behind a throne.

Of course, I’ve only heard a little of his singing, but maybe they should have gotten a voice double for Aladdin’s singing parts...

He’s a gem, and his voice would have been bliss compared to the current guy. 

And he didn’t have a 12 year old’s voice...

The two characters I’ve seen things about in the trailers that don’t impress are Jaffar and Apu. They both fall flat so far. Will Smith did a lot more in this to convince me that he’s going to be an OK player in this, but man, Jaffar is jarringly bad. I keep waiting for the

It’s an ENIGMA to me why anyone would be worried about German encryption. 

Aww... someone’s sad that I didn’t sit here just waiting on his awesome quip! Sorry sad one, I have a life, and don’t check Gizmodo on weekends just for quips from “Waydude.” I know that you’re hanging on here updating every minute so that you won’t miss my reply... Maybe you should get out more and try to meet 3D

I mean, if I had a business in Philadelphia, I certainly wouldn’t want cash in there... That’s begging to be robbed in the city of Brotherly Love. Philly is barely better than Gary, IN, and forcing a business to keep cash is a death sentence to some poor schmuck working the cash register.

Stayed up all night thinking that one up, didn’t you child?


I still have hair, and the 2000's on have been much better. I also have money, a family, and some personal equity built up. 

Didn’t take any, and that was the last time you could actually get real LSD in any quantity... Pickerd went down in ‘98, and the supply dwindled. But nope, never did the stuff. Not my bag, baby. 

Nah, I’m Gen X and pretty much liked the 80s. Those were good times. 

If by awesome, you mean completely sucked rancid donkey  balls, then yeah. 

The social aspect was getting better. Beyond that, I’ll respectfully disagree. The music and films were horrendous for the most part. Video games were a high point for the decade, and got me through it mostly sane. The growth was an illusion, and we paid for that in 2002. 

Fantastic music? Wow.. someone did a lot of acid in the 90s.

We had a shit president who was a thug, followed by another shit president who was a hand puppet.

90's music was soulless drek. Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins brought the worst of the worst to the scene, and everyone copied them because corporate music had

I kind of hated the 90's. It was my “lost decade.” I just kind of drifted through it and aside from improving my work skills, essentially did next to nothing. I hated the grunge movement, hated most of the music, hated a lot of the TV... I was glad to get past the 90s. 

I’d argue all of those except for Thor 2 with you. But I’d damn sure lump Avengers 2, Iron Man 2 & 3, and Guardians 2 into the dud category. Or at least they’re circling the dud drain. 

What generic medicine? The medicine that’s being shown to be hyper-addictive? That medicine? They have to come up with a completely new formulation, because the one we’re talking about isn’t safe.

And conveniently, you left out a little detail: How many drugs don’t make it through the approval process. Those also cost a shit-ton. There’s no way a small pharmaceutical company can come up with that, so the barrier to entry is ridiculous in the US. And of course, we ignore drugs that have made it through parallel