If it comes out with Porsche quality, then the wait was worth it. If Tesla is still making rattle-traps that have Kia level fit & finish, then the point is perfectly made.
If it comes out with Porsche quality, then the wait was worth it. If Tesla is still making rattle-traps that have Kia level fit & finish, then the point is perfectly made.
This reminds me of the VW Jetta Diesel I owned back in the day... (TDI for the pure-minded)
The engine was rock-solid. The trim? Not so much. And don’t get me started on the turbo, the A/C, and the suspension...
Your first link doesn’t mention Lott. Not at all. I opened the PDF for the entire journal and it didn’t mention Lott. The only Lott that came up was Charlotte.
And also the country with virtually no gun ownership.
Totally puts lie to your bullshit... I can see why you’d hate that example. It shows that you don’t need access to a gun to kill yourself. It’s a convenient excuse for people who don’t have the brains to think the issue through... But its just a red herring.
You keep posting bullshit hit pieces from far left sources. You’re the king of confirmation bias today skippy. Grow up and stop getting your news from the left wing’s Alex Jones. You’re pathetic.
Tell that to the Suicide leaders of the world, Japan. No guns, #1 suicide rate.
You’re not too smart, are you? You’re just an emotive ball of crap who believes what he/she believes because it fits your stunted world view, and facts be damned.
Well, he probably paid in to the system, so it would be stupid to pass on the benefits.
Wanting to change the system isn’t the same as killing yourself because the only option is a government one. You’re coming to a pretty stupid conclusion here.
“Oh look... government has a monopoly on air... that libertarian is a…
Suuuure he is. This is tripe. Plain and simple. You’re buying into serious confirmation bias. It’s getting pathetic.
Gonna rant about the gay frogs next? Try and sell me some Super Male Vitality vitamins? LOL!
Oh look... a far left rag trying to discredit a study they don’t like. Wow. You going to quote Infowars to support a far right thing you support next? You might as well.
By the way, Lott started his study trying to support the idea that gun control was a great idea. he…
Really? So Japan doesn’t exist? You know a country with nearly zero access to guns and a suicide rate 50% higher than the US?
Seriously dumb kid... stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Lott’s research hasn’t been debunked. Nice try dumb kid. Just because you hate what he says doesn’t invalidate his work. And yes, I’ve read the hit pieces on his study, and they’re full of hot air.
But hey! Keep trying to get women killed! You rock!
On the other hand, you might have saved that kid’s life. It was the right thing to do, and you were there to do it. I completely understand what your thought process was, but consider what you would have gone through if you had let that poor guy get killed when you could have saved him.
I don’t say this to berate you.…
Fair enough... But then there are shotguns. You don’t have to be a great shot for those... Of course they’re also kinda hard to conceal.
No, you’re not.
Well, maybe YOU are because you’re an idiot. Most normal people aren’t. You’re badly representing a poorly researched paper from a rabid anti-gun idiot who fudged his numbers and cherry picked his stats.
Good job!
You don’t have to retaliate at all most of the time. Simply brandishing a gun is an effective deterrent. Far more than just about any other deterrent this side of having a squad of cops standing behind you. (And of course, they’re armed so...)
Gun handling IS a martial art, you moron.
And unless you’re well above black belt, most martial arts instructors would advise you that the best stance to take when confronted with a trained gun wielder is to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. You aren’t Jackie Chan, and most people aren’t either. They’re not…
I can’t agree with this more. 100% correct.
Hey look! Fake stats and discredited studies!
You’re the one who needs to grow up. I have two friends who are with us today because they carried a gun and were prepared to defend themselves. I can’t be certain that they’d be here if they didn’t. Your cherry picked fake states ignore the 200-5000 defensive gun uses a…
I had a 2001 Jetta Diesel, and the warning was on the gas cap on it too.
It was always funny filling up the car when some redneck next to me would be startled that I had the green hose going. Some dude in a huge F350 next to my tiny car using the same gas... I got more than a few questions about it from them. But hey,…
By the way, the organization that made the call PREPA, is mostly staffed with people appointed by Alejandro García Padilla, the Democrat governor of Puerto Rico. I love how you’re bending and twisting to blame Trump when the decision wasn’t his to make.
So in essence, we have a Democrat body making a deal with a…