Rob Inson

Uh, the fuck are you on about?

She is not white, but one doesn’t have to be to uphold white supremacy.

Moved to tears. Thank you kindly.

The pledge is total nonsense anyway. Its nothing but patriotic brainwashing that worked on their generation but not so much since then. An image of a burning flag can bring old white tears but that commercial of sad dogs and the Sarah Mclaughlan(sp?) song is more likely to soften me up. Why dont they play that song

GREAT article.

It has always seemed weird to me, and I was born here!

an indoctrination pledge

When I was in junior high/high school, a teacher pulled me aside to discuss why I didn’t stand during the pledge. He mentioned something about soldiers or some shit; I told him that my father is a Vietnam vet who was drafted along with half of his Black neighborhood, including mentally disabled people, and he had no

We as in the people on the site (myself included) who have cast aspersions on shooters who killed themselves.

None of us were were any of the mass shooters who killed themselves afterwards either but we still cast aspersions on them. She murdered her own child and killed herself. My feelings won’t hurt or help her. But if there is a hell I hope she burns in it.

She is the ultimate abuser here. What she did to that child is inexcusable, and the worst act to ever happen in that child’s life. Only an abuser would murder.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

Once upon a time, said Black student would have punched back, called him a honky and kept it moving.

Sounds like she’s had an issue with whom her neighbor’s adult son was dating for a while?

This is why when some white folks go to the “Well, the rappers say it, why can’t I?” defense for saying the n-word, I NEVER consider it a freedom of speech issue.

The REAL issue is dude’s son chose a sista and not her.....

Boy, that went racial, quickly. No, wait, I guess it didn’t if she’s been waiting so long to say it out loud, huh.

With his fake ass profile picture.

As a feminist, I think it’s time we started treating men and women more equally. And I absolutely would slap the fuck out of a dude that was provoking me.

Women are not infants. We’re accountable for the shit we talk, and accountable includes the potential consequences of deliberately provoking people.

Know what’s