Wow. So black woman pays to have two tickets upgraded, and when it comes time to move a person out, the leave the non-paying white woman in first class.
Wow. So black woman pays to have two tickets upgraded, and when it comes time to move a person out, the leave the non-paying white woman in first class.
“Women are still women.
White women are still white.
Male privilege and the patriarchy doesn’t cancel out white privilege and white supremacy.
What do you mean? White women are white people too lol.
some people are just woefully ignorant. just astonishingly is-this-real-life-or-is-this-a-fantasy ignorant
“In spades.” You couldn’t help yourself, could you? Just because you don’t understand AAVE doesn’t mean it’s not English. AAVE is not the “expressions of slaves and poverty,” it’s a cultural dialect. There’s a rich guy—you’ve probably heard of him—who can’t speak English worth a goddamn, and he’s literally the…
Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.
Not disagreeing with what you’ve said here, but it also stands to reason that there is or should be a distinction between speaking proper English and speaking with Caucasian inflections. Many ESL speakers work to not only lose accents but to sound more “mainstream” - ie white American English - usually Midwestern... -…
You know, I see the point you are (somewhat poorly) trying to make, but that’s not the point of this article. The problem is that too many people see “speaking properly” not as a “human value” but as a solely WHITE value.
Of course you equate excellence with being caucasian...
If this passes my sister will run out ANY lifetime limit historically used in less than a year. She will never qualify for coverage.
Nobody is denying that the economy fucks over the lower classes.
And somehow we are the ones who get pathologized. >.>
Evidence for mental illness:
The pain of his economic anxiety is very sharp.
The votes are in. Winning over 55 percent of the vote against eight other candidates, attorney Chokwe Antar Lumumba,…
6. Make sure the Turnip in Chief doesn’t pardon him by accident.