Rob Inson

People can bitch and moan all they want but I’m fine with new “Slave” movies and television series being made. As a matter of fact, they can come out with a Slave Network and show ______ getting beat 24/7. Because just about every single god damn year Hollywood keeps reminding us that AMERICA won WWII. Shit! I bet if

Just a guess, but blacks and latin@s are historically underrepresented in college. And black/latin@ aren’t mutually distinct categories.

Michael, thanks for providing additional information in your post. I didn’t know any of the below, and it really matters.

Can’t wait to see it again. Love your take on this! It’s terrifying because it completely encapsulates the feeling of being black in predominantly white “liberal” spaces. The casual racism, the microaggressions, the “would’ve voted for Obama for a third time,” and so on and so forth.

I have to watch this. We all do.

Yeah, there’s always a few that want to go against the grain just to show how unique their perspectives are.

If I see 999 positive reviews and 1 bad review I still consider this a perfect score. Because there is always this one asshole...

As a white person...

What happened to Leslie Jones was inhumane. The amount of vitriol lodged at her made me so disgusted with all of humanity. Further, why must wypipo always offer up their opinions, as if the world needs any more of them? And most of all, why must wypipo always, always, share their opinions on race? Do you see me

Meanwhile, across town, a bunch of armed white folk driving around in a pickup truck and flying the Confederate flag aren’t racist. They’re just “proud of their heritage.”

the black movies they never go see

The first jury couldn’t determine if a crime had been committed. Despite there being fucking video of said crime. Despite the narrative of the interaction that was out there was essentially the fucking opposite of what we later saw in the video. “I dunno if that’s a crime!”

I know for a fact, reviewers are often asked by PR & movie studios to post positive reviews for RT. I’ve been asked several times. So I take those reviews w/a grain of salt.

So, like, whatever makes it easier to convinct him I’m for. That’s where I am, right now, and I don’t care how bad that sounds. Give him a public defender.

Hi blue brethren didn’t step in to help him?

Hey, what’s a murderer who’s a cop have to do to get free help from the State to defend him using money Walter Scott paid in the form of taxes? I mean, what’s a murderer to do these days?

Okay ... let me make sure I have this straight.

It’s cruel to give the corner wino a shirt like that.

it just...I want something where I can say, ‘I fucking did that’ personally.

I grew up with straight up violence, but it was the 70's in rural WV so you didn’t call it child abuse. Anyway we have been trying to raise the boy without spanking or getting physical, essentially going for respect over fear. It works, but it takes a long time for some of that stuff to take hold. The best part now is