Rob Oakes

@WilCon: Give it time. Their current wealth is built on iPhone, and Android seems poised to start making some serious dents.

Much of what makes Apple great evolved during Steve's time in the wilderness. If he had staid at Apple, there would have been no Next, no Pixar, and probably no Unix kernel. He would have had billions in resources and not have been forced to learn to innovate.

@SaunJay1: To be seen. IOS is already trademarked. It's not good to rebrand on top of another's trade marked identity. (Not that this is the first time.) And I sincerely that Apple is told to stop it, to the tune of hundreds of millions in infringement would be nice ...

@adam.k.levy: Actually, that isn't true. SWF is also an open specification in much the same way that PDF is (see []). There are even several open players which implement it, and third party tools that can generate SWF files.

@Aurailious: I'm still a Firefox loyalist and will be until there is a Zotero add-on for the other browsers.

@Marand: "You should never mix registrar with host."

@Marand: Okay, that's pretty bad and I (somewhat) understand the seething rage.

@delorean: No, that award goes to Brinkster. Hands down.

@Marand: What did they possibly do which was so terrible?

@X-Treme12345: Not practically, it is flame bait. I respect Giz's right to publish anything they want (including flamebait), but I still have the right to respond to it.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: I think we're all suckers for articulate and charismatic people. It's easy to be swept away in the charm. It just makes me sad to see the press corps fall so hard for it. They're supposed to be the watchdogs and anklebiters of society. I get a sick feeling when they line up to so strongly

@Omega13: Thanks for the civil response.

@chronic_phobia: I did get my facts straight. Insinuation is not fact.

@WestwoodDenizen: I had originally hoped that Giz (and by extension, the rest of the digerati) would get it all out of their system. First it was the pre-launch hype, then the post-launch coverage, and the week of pre-orders.