
Here’s the draw for me, in perfect honesty: I like sitting up. I like knowing I have a little ground clearance and a 2-speed 4x4 system and a locking rear end should I need to go off-road. I like owning a large vehicle. I like feeling the thrust of 860lb-ft of torque when I step down hard on the throttle. I like the

I like a girl who can drive an HD pickup confidently. But I hear you, sometimes it does look strange.

This is a really good point. The old Super Duty flexed a lot as the video shows, but in real life it did not matter. The bulk of the commercial HD truck market was, and is, owned by the Super Duty. Now, the new cab and bed and nose are aluminum. I think the aluminum could be a lot more sensitive to a flexible

Only an F-250 would weigh 7200lbs. A 450 is closing in on 10k and an average F-350 single wheel is close to 9k. There is a rough 350 lbs lighter spec for spec, but there are some new options not available on the last generation which add weight. For example, a Lariat Ultimate last year couldn’t have the panoramic

So far, they are doing poorly. They’ve been on sale since late last year and sales are still less thean Toyota Tundra.

Looks no further than the Nissan Titan XD with its 555lb-ft Cummins V8 Turbodiesel. The problem is that it can only tow a little more than an F-150 and it does not achieve particularly great fuel economy.

Bumper pull ratings for the new Super Duty were indeed divulged along with the GN and 5er ratings. Bumper pull will be 21k lbs with the 350 DRW and 450. That is a mssive amount of weight for a bumper hitch, but Ford is offering a new, 3" reciever which is the largest of any of them. Typically, the heaviest “equipment

As is mine. I have a 4" drop Super Titan on the back of my Super Duty, so the tongue of the trailer is never going to hit the plate anyway.

Couple of things. Your post implies there is something “wrong” with owning a “shiny new beefed up F-150 without a scratch in the bed.” Are we as consumers not allowed to buy and drive what we want? I mean, if someone chooses to buy a brand new Kenworth tractor and drive that back and forth to work and never hitch a