Road Rebel

Boomers and Gen X and all generations prior were not concerned with mental health days, nor were those generations overwhelmed by the mundane difficulties of first world life. Mental health days now exist primarily because of millennial demand, because for some reason my generation has been so overly coddled, and has

Thank you for your response.

Hello, Male, 32, very active. About 2 weeks ago when extending my right arm I started having a feeling similar to if I had a few armpit hairs tangled together and perhaps one of them had an infected follicle, slightly painful pulling discomfort. I couldn’t find any such follicles or zits. this continued for a few days

Here’s my beef with sweet potato fries, unpleasant relationship memories aside: They don’t really go with burgers.

I’m pretty sure this is the exact situation “weird flex but okay” was made for. Thanks for something Gen Z!

You missed chili. One of my favorite chili recipes uses a instant coffee and cocoa to bring out some of the dark and savory flavors of the meat, beans and of course the chilies.  

I grant you that the folks in this video, and those like it, may be part of some kind of sect or denomination which denies many of the core doctrines as written in the holy book of their supposed faith.  They are free to identify themselves however they like. They also have the freedom to believe and practice their

Judaism is a religion of those who follow the Jewish faith as written in the Torah. Jewish can refer to a religious affiliation with Judaism or an ethnicity, referring to one who is a descendant of the 12 tribes of Israel, or both. As Israel is no longer a theocracy the terms Jewish or Judaic no longer really refers

This style of video from the Gawker group, Vice, and Buzzfeed to name a few is very misleading. Videos in which “Christians”, “Muslims” etc. clear up some aspect of “misunderstanding” about their religion to us the “uneducated public”. The problem is these media groups find people who have no understanding of the holy

Starred for good content and an appropriate username.  

Yeah, I’ll have to try that next time, thanks for the suggestion!

Not a bad idea, could be good with something like smoked Gouda.

I was introduced to something similar to this by my wife’s southern family. It’s a breakfast sandwich consisting of a mild, preferably sage pork breakfast sausage patty placed on a flaky biscuit slathered in yellow or stone ground mustard on one side and your pick of jam on the other.  I was skeptical at first but was

This looks exactly like Hexclad I have seen being demo’d at Costco lately. FWIW I have a gourmet chef friend who owns a set and absolutely loves them. I got to use them while at her house for Thanksgiving, made eggs with a metal spatula and had no scratching issues. I’m

This looks exactly like Hexclad I have seen being demo’d at Costco

I do not deny that there are many differences between men and women.  I still believe they are equal and should be treated as such.  I don’t see what that has to do with my comments here though.

Choice: /CHois/ - an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.

Now playing

I wanna see what Mahk has to say about it.

Economic friction or not, there is no injustice here. The article states that women are more likely than men to make a choice to pay more for a service they find more appealing.  That is not a tax, nor an economic friction.

We are not talking about tampons or pads here. We are talking about transportation. There is no difference in price of transportation for men and transportation for women. The article states that women are more likely to decide to take different modes of transportation to make them more comfortable that is a decision

Like most “pink taxes” this is not a tax. This is a choice. This article says that women chose to pay more for transportation because it makes them feel more comfortable, that is not a tax. A tax would be if Uber, Lyft, taxis or the subway charged female passengers more than males for the same service. They do not.