road_pizza v 2.0


You’re quite good at sarcasm... oh, wait, you’re serious???

Sadly he’d fit right in.

Ask his girlfriend.

4k pennies maybe.

More like he spent $3.80 to lower his $3,800.00 Passat.

That’s fucked up.

Why not both?

My brain says “CP” but my heart says “NP”. Help!!!

Thankfully the roads here in greater Cleveland are so bad that no one would dare stance anything.

Done and done.

Looks like typical Cleveland pavement.

His girlfriend is also disputing his claims that his is 6" long when in fact it’s more like 3".

Maybe we could hit him repeatedly with a sock full of shillings?

Fuck that!

Don’t insult Oldsmobiles like that.

Sounds legit.

something something a fool and his money something.

*sniff* so beautiful!