road_pizza v 2.0

You obviously have no clue what rust is. I’ve lived my entire 56 years on this rock in n.e. Ohio and I know rust. Hell, I had a car break in half due to terminal rust when I was a teenager (a ‘73 Pinto). This truck is rock solid and rust free. Give it up already, you’re only making yourself look bad.

The punching game was a lot of, er, “fun” back in my younger (and drunker) days, and now some asshat or asshats) on 4Chan (why is that even a thing?) has co-opted it as a symbol of racism? Stop the world, I want to get off.

What in the everlovin’ fuck???

Same here.

99% of those that use the term really have no clue what a true Nazi was.

So it’s “racist” because some moron on 4Chan says so??? Why do you let the trolls win so easily?

I thought he posted it on Snapgram and Instachat?

When did that happen??? When we did it the first one to look at the gesture got punched.

Uh, yea, you may want to pull you head out of your ass and look around, the are a hell of a lot of Gen X’ers living in and RUNNING HOA’s, asshole.

I think I just threw up a little...


Non-conformist! Off with your head!!!

You may be young but you sure ain’t stupid.

Where do I sign?

There’s a 412GT that’s been sitting in the front yard of a house in the city I live in. Seriously. Hasn’t moved since last July.

Not all of us, I don’t have a single cell of totalitarian in me.

I’d love to cruise through your neighborhood in my Fairmont :D .

Priorities, Mom, priorities!!!

