road_pizza v 2.0

It’s no more of a truck than an El Camino or a Ranchero.

Yea... because a German-made Sprinter is SOOOOOOOOOO much better than a US made Transit...

This. Sprinters are shit. Always have been, always will be.

Meh. I’ll start giving a shit about Sprinters when MB figures out how to properly rust proof the damned things. At a Lexus dealer I once worked at we put a Sprinter into service as a parts chaser and within 4 years that damn thing had rust blisters popping up EVERYWHERE. Oh yea, and after about a year we gave up ever

“People with handicap passes that don’t need them”

Your husband has a Ford Fairmont? Sweet!

The problem is... it could be desirable but the politicians in this bass-akwards city seem to be hell-bent on keeping the status quo. I’m a life-long n.e. Ohioan and was born in the city of Cleveland but I’m sick and tired of the voters putting the same thieves and idiots back in power every damned election cycle,

I do hope we’ll get to see Project Binky racing around Goodwood :) !

Vintage Mini racing is the best racing.

With a little late model IS thrown in for shits and giggles.

With crimes like that kidnapping and rape outside of The Q happening more and more often I don’t see that lasting much longer. The sooner “Mumbles” is ousted from City Hall *maybe* we’ll see things improve. Frank Jackson is a fucking moron and has to go. Now.

Nice try, I live in Berea, and I woulndn’t move back to Cleveland on a dare. Lived in Kamm’s Corners for about 8 years back before the residency law was rescinded, pretty much all of my neighbors were either CFD or CPD. As for “gentrification”, yes, there’s a bit of that, especially in Ohio City and Gordon Square.

They DO need to do SOMETHING about that clusterfuck called “Dead Man’s Curve” on the Innerbelt, it’s been trouble since about five minutes after it opened.

My parents bought a new one back in ‘65, it went up in flames.

That front end looks like an Accord without the chrome unibrow.

My parents had a Peugeot in the mid Sixties, really don’t remember much about it... other than it went up in flames one day while my mom was driving it. Since that day she’s despised anything and everything Peugeot.

I’m sure it’s the highways that are stopping hoards of people from moving back into the heart of Cleveland...

It’s a given.

Proving/showing that they can get away with it?” Ummm, yea, about that...

I saw a freakin’ Equator a week ago last Friday, had to do a double-take! I think I’d only seen one once before at the Cleveland auto show some years back.