
I actually considered getting a motorcycle when I was living in San Francisco, it would have made a lot of sense out there. But I have since moved back to the Midwest. It's too cold to drive one for 4 months of the year, too hot to wear the safety gear I'd want to have on for 2 months of the year, they're not as

Yes, I can see them, but yes it did also take more than a few seconds to spot them. That's a good argument for infrared scopes.

Somewhere a vegetarian just died.

I would add Underworld: Rise of the Lycans to the list of the best.

OOOOOOH! I'm in "Hot Pursuit!"

Just put it in the driveway and then let your spouse know that their parents can come stay with you after all.

Where I said "you may be able to use a shutter" I obviously meant a "flash"

If you are taking a picture at night with an aperture of 2.8 and a shutter speed of 1/60 you will likely need a fairly high ISO to prevent it from being very black. Yes, you may be able to use a shutter, but that would make the subject well lit (assuming that the subject is within range of your flash) and make the

First of all, I didn't take that picture, and second it was taken at nighttime. I would assume that the photographer would rather have a slightly grainy picture than a very blurry one. I know I would. Is there some reason why you are so against using higher ISO settings? Is that picture really all that bad? I'm

This picture was taken at ISO 3200 with a Fuji X10 at nighttime. Is there grain? Yes, but I think it is acceptable. If you want to be able to take pictures that you will display on a screen and not make large printouts of I think using higher ISO settings is perfectly acceptable. Of course you would get better

If you read what I wrote you'll not that I specifically specifically stated that using it at the max ISO "will generally not result in great images". If you have a camera that has 25,600 ISO then you should get acceptable to good results when using it at 3200 or 6400 ISO.

I would have also added ISO sensitivity to this as well. The higher the ISO sensitivity your camera has the less light it will need. Using a camera at its maximum ISO will generally not result in great images, but using it at 2 or 3 stops below its maximum should yield acceptable to great results, depending on the

Those are pretty sweet cars, just make sure to pack a fire extinguisher though.

I'm torn between laughing and crying after seeing that.

This should do just fine.

Wait until Darth Vader uses the Force to pull the Doctor's sonic screwdriver away from him...

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in it."

I find it amusing that just because I enjoyed not having to wear 6 layers and trudge through snow to go out last winter that everyone automatically assumes that I must be a conservative.

Man I went into the wrong profession...

This past winter was the most moderate one I have ever experienced. Yes, I live in one of the Northern Midwestern states. Perhaps this isn't the most politically correct thing to say, but if that's what global warming is all about I might have to stop caring about our rising temperatures. Of course I doubt that our