
You mean Darth Jobs?

Sometimes it's hard to take scientists seriously...

I guess Koenig was just reprising his character as a Psi Cop to mess with our heads. *sigh*

More proof that everything is cooler with Steve McQueen.

Now playing

I'd be careful about pissing off people in wheelchairs...

They better hurry before the old cast all die off. So far they've already lost G'Kar, Dr. Franklin, & Zack Allen. I loved the show and have re-watched it more times than I can count, but Crusade didn't quite have it, the movies were kind of hit or miss, and the Lost Tales were terrible. If they can bring it back

I think he's just trying to look more American...

It looks more like the home away from home of a James Bond villain...

I bought several of these for myself and my relatives after the 35W bridge collapse in Minnesota. I know the river wasn't deep enough that anyone would have needed something like this in that case, but it makes you think. Anyways, it's a pretty cheap and handy tool to have with you.

Given the gridlock between the donkeys and the elephants I would think that he might want an elephant gun...

"Girth? Why, why, why, wh-why, why, why, why would they do this?"

It doesn't actually need the sun to power it, any light source should do. I have a solar powered watch which doesn't get much sunlight but has been running nonstop for about a decade, which is impressive given that I have to wear long sleeve clothes for half the year. Keyboards don't need much power so a solar panel

Someone queue the spooky music...

Michael Bay must be in town...

Whatever you do, do NOT carry it Mexican style (barrel tucked inside the front of your pants).

I'll admit that I posted this after only reading the headline and a very little bit of the article, thinking that it was the rebels who had used a scud missile.

If your trip is going to be a short one, getting a free flight in coach would probably still be a better deal, but if you're going to spend a considerable amount of time in the air, like flying overseas, then this makes a lot of sense.

"I do one thing at a time, I do it very well, and then I move on."

I still think Apple is trying to take over the world by building a space bridge to transport Decepticons to Earth...

So Batman has teamed up with the Terminators then?