
Another reason why it would be nice if the Europeans can get Galileo able to compete with GPS...

How about Fezzik?

How about Jaws?

Who knows the lyrics to the Baby Beluga song?

"Ludicrous Speed! Go!"

I didn't complain because I had already canceled when they raised their rates on me last year.

I can *feel* your anger...

I would think that a creative person, like a writer, would want a home that has more than just one window.

I think we should let the experts determine if he's really a ghost or not...

You know if it can't carry a bolt cutter in it then it's just not worth it.

I agree that it could be a good disguise, but most terrorists want to blend in, that's why the 9/11 hijackers were clean-shaven and dressed in western clothes. Dressing as a religious figure may make people more sympathetic to you but it will also make you stand out like a sore thumb. I know that if I worked for the

You stay classy, TSA...

I'll take two...

This would be wicked if the victim's desk was by a window and the AC was turned off...

Probably a Paramount Marauder.

You're wrong infmom, I never wear the same socks or underwear twice. I have 8 dressers and 3 closets so yes, I do actually have enough clothes to last that long. I just don't like to do laundry that much and would rather dedicate an entire day to it than to do a weekly load. I am certainly not going to haul that

Yes, it's true that you may end up paying more to buy a washer/dryer, but there is also a huge convenience factor and you will also be saving yourself a lot of time by having your own. Even if it is just a matter of minutes each way, how much is your time worth to you? Using a laundromat would also be impractical

Is "Ingsoc" really the best name?