Sometimes, Pokémon Go borks everything up and displays different monsters merging with one another. One artist is…
Sometimes, Pokémon Go borks everything up and displays different monsters merging with one another. One artist is…
Wangjie Li is an artist based in California who has worked in the video game business.
They must have been working night and day to clean up the streets of Birmingham for this shoot.
Andy Cull, a screenshot artist we’ve featured before on Kotaku, has recently put together a gallery containing some…
I’ve seen the same thing. I started in the 40s and have since slipped into the low 30s. In that particular circle of hell, you will get very used to the phrase A MEMBER OF YOUR TEAM HAS LEFT THE MATCH.
Yessssss. Just for the fact I won't be stuck on a team with a rank 30 guy and a rank 53 and get totally steam rolled. There needs to be more balancing as I've only played games where I get crushed or absolutely destroy the other team. Maybe 5% of the games I've played felt even. It's better in the 50s, but the high…