
Just curious, how sophisticated would you consider linear algebra? I felt it was real complex since it introduced matrices and the concepts being new were washed out, but I kind of understand it now. Calculus I would definitely take straight from high school though.

Study that linear algebra. I’m not in CS (engineering), but if you do take CS linear algebra is vital to understanding compression and data.

Also pretty true in Canada with people going straight to college, at least from my experience. But in this case it’s all races piling in to help their child go to college, and finding student loans where necessary.

Those Converse shoes in the leading picture though.

I remember loving the Fine two years ago, carrying it around everywhere. Sadly I lost it, but it really helped me love writing cursive and love just refilling and cleaning the thing, despite its relatively low price point.

I remember loving the Fine two years ago, carrying it around everywhere. Sadly I lost it, but it really helped me

I remember loving their mechanical pencil variant, as light and as simple as the pen, but works the look better imo.

I remember loving their mechanical pencil variant, as light and as simple as the pen, but works the look better imo.

Thanks for the perspective. Well maybe the turtles need strict protection, if people are really that stupid...

I feel like the people on that beach just looked at the turtles, made no real sense of it, and hopped into doing what other people where doing. I also feel that if some of the commentators here were on that beach, they’d go with that flow.

So you curb their actions. If education doesn’t stop them, create another way to protect the turtles.

Some earlier commenters referenced other places, such as Mexico, which have taken steps to protect turtles that breed on beaches, so it’s doable. If it does require shutting the beach down at a popular time, so be it. “Pre-education” can be as simple as a sign, and as straightforward as an official taking action upon

As much as I’d like to shame all those tourists, perhaps there could’ve been much better ways to educate them on the reproduction of turtles beforehand, rather than risking unknowing tourists attempting to take a selfie with some rare-breeding species they don’t know much of.


This design language is great. Hope to see it on more future models.

Just bought this on vinyl. It’s greaaat. The packaging is simple, but neat.

First paragraph: “Ugh, this guy.”

I still eat it and I’m happy, even if my bowels aren’t happy.

This is what I’m thinking as well. You may get sudden large amounts of publicity, but after a while it quells down.

A particular moment of my life was when I saw a pizza guy casually walk to his E60 and get something, then walk back to the pizza place. This was recent, but it does show how brand perception goes out the window when you realize the price of used luxury cars (for most of them)

1.) They did it for the lulz and recorded the footage, which would ultimately be, at the least, very bad publicity for their YouTube channel. I’d doubt they do this, but it is possible

If accessories pertaining to technology count, I remember being 13 saving up red envelopes to buy these babies. Sound great, but a little fragile. Haven’t gotten them fixed.