
I could've sworn this could happen more in Ontario than Alberta.

"Bring out the Gimp"

Hey, even driving sober in China is deadly anyway.

The one on the right, amiright?

As much as I love 964s, I think the 993 wins.

Guess this works.

Padded belts seem like a good idea.

I love it when my favorite luxury brand is all "I don't care, I'm just gonna take a nap while you guys play in the snow".

:( that would otherwise make a cool belt.

Eh, wheatieboy. I guess we'll have to just stop by Tim's and talk about how we're not America between us.

+10 more if you could take it off and use it on your pants.

Does a Hot Wheel model work enough?

This could pair well with the Maybach four-seater from that Jay-Z video.

I find these cooler.

Dieter Rams retro is completely fine. This kind of retro is alright too.

And this baby. It can handle bumps just fine...

This needs to go.

BRB buying racing goggles

Let's stuff LaFerrari in LaGarage.