
Huh. I have to admit that at first glance (coming from, I recognize, a place of extreme privilege as a cis/straight woman, though one who does wear button-down shirts and pants, not much make up, etc... come at me, men) I thought Amy was trying to be supportive and acknowledge that Tig has additional struggles. I

Hey, that’s great. And nobody’s arguing with you about that.

‘Male’ and ‘masculine’ don’t mean the same thing.

But those are two separate issues. Tig doesn’t want Amy to speak for her? Cool.

I feel like you’re being deliberately obtuse on this issue. There are societal/cultural expectations for what is ‘typically masculine’ and ‘typically feminine’. Does that mean that every man and every woman fall neatly into those categories? Of course not. But the norms and expectations are there, whether we like or

Short hair is becoming increasingly agender-but you do nobody any good by pretending that historically, there hasn’t been a gendered component to it. Same with pants. Gender norms shift, but you cannot deny that they exist, which you appear to be trying to do.

But, that is in fact masculine. Like, it says nothing about a person’s gender identity, but gender presentation is a spectrum from feminine to masculine, and denying that will not help those people who fall outside of what society would consider the “normal” way to present one’s gender.

I mean, I may catch some flak for this, but: masculinity and femininity are social constructs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The entire basis of gender presentation revolves around the idea that there is, generally speaking, a spectrum of presentation ranging from “masculine” to “feminine”. Masculine is

I read this as Amy Schumer admitting her own privilege as a cis, straight, traditionally presenting woman. Is anything she said untrue? I would think that for anyone who diverges from the norm of white, straight, cis, gender binary presenting, things would be more challenging. I think this even this attitude, if

We can slice amys words to pieces, but we know what she meant, and I we all know that not performing for the male heterosexual eye probably does hurt female performers. It makes sense.

Fuck the NRA and the leash they have on republicans in congress. This shit CAN be prevented, but we can’t even pass a law restricting people on the No Fly list from getting fucking guns. Just, fuck it all.

Thank you for that information. Seriously. I have been wondering all morning/day how he could be identified and on a watch-list yet still have access to a gun, assault rifle at that. I figured he would have had to use a fake name or something to acquire the gun and that much ammo, but it looks like that is not the

Hahaha, when you’ve got religion in mind, critical thinking was never there to begin with.

Or we could divorce the funding of schools from the property values of where they are located. It makes no sense that School A, enrollment 100 students, receives more money than School B, enrollment 100, just because they happen to be 15 miles (or less) away from each other. Ashleigh and Carolyyn and Aiden aren't more

Same. I was so proud that I could drink dudes under the table, that I didn’t care about my number (still don’t but it was like a thing I had to tell myself because I really was embarrassed about who I was sleeping with) and that I could HANG. Now I just don’t drink very much, most of it is that I moved away from my

Maybe for you. Thanks for assuming you know everyone’s health concerns or life story. My mother will continue to enjoy her cookies and non-narcotic pain killer for her arthritis. As will I. At home. At night. When I am not driving or working. Judgey much?

More power to you, then.

For pain and anxiety? It works fine.

“One of the reasons I drank was to feel strong and invulnerable, to be kick-ass instead of self-conscious and mercilessly self-critical...”