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    I will be dead before I buy a used car online without ever having driven it. I want to be wined and dined into buying this car, and I certainly want to check for undisclosed issues. I just drove an 04 CTS V with only 25k miles on it. The rear diff had a slightly alarming whine to it, and the rear caliper didn’t

    This. Ride like they’re trying to kill you. Rules of the road don’t matter. Keeping yourself in a safe at all times position does.

    Nobody is going to bring up this guy carrying out a case of Yuengling?

    As a Honda Insight owner, I would drive the fuck out of this.

    I drive a fleet trim fiesta for one of my jobs as an auto parts delivery man. I’d rather eat paint chips for four years than make payments on one of these things. I loathe everything about the fiesta.

    When you’re looking for a good reliable tool, check out the leatherman OHT. I picked one up a couple years ago and it’s never let me down. It’s seen a couple “I’m not paying for this whole wiring harness, I only need one plug” junkyard trips, and you can nearly dismantle an entire Honda civic with one.

    Regarding the video about the manual transmission linked in the first paragraph, am I looking incorrectly, or is the “reverse” just another low forward gear?

    I would prefer you buy the Raptor.

    1. Ferrari F40


    Might be worth the cost of a burner to call the number.

    Past wrenching experience: 1997 Honda Civic with 275k miles on it decided it was time for a clutch. I was working three jobs at about 80 hours a week. A friend let me use his garage as it was the middle of winter in Ohio, and the only source of heat was a noisy smelly torpedo heater. And the only time I really had to

    Honda civic. Next question.

    *Thinks back to topping out my 318i at 16 years old*

    Los Angeles to New York? Either charging infrastructure or battery capacity is going to have to spike in the next 14 months. If it’s the former, that is going to be an obnoxious drive. Think 10 layover 60mph flight obnoxious.

    Also, was once driving back to Las Vegas from the Hoover Dam and found myself in a friendly freeway competition with a minivan and some sort of econobox. We were hovering around XXX MPH, they took a semi on the right, I waited for a gap to open up on the left. As I was passing the semi at super legal speeds, I looked

    When I was 16, I had a while e30 318i. Never really learning what to do when the back end gets away from you. It was raining, and my tires were garbage. I goosed it from a red light, smashed it into second, then into third, and the next thing I know I’m facing the other direction traveling in the wrong lane, then go

    Engineer you say?

    I’d take the hood as a test bed for both chemically removing and mechanically removing paint, see if either option leaves viable paint. Worse case scenario you rattlecan the hood flat black and toss a dear skull on the grille, and start chewing tobacco. Best case scenario Billy Bob and his cousin brother just sprayed