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Until they start saying the Statue of Liberty poem wasn't always there.

You fainted and they got all out of whack.

Just like Mr. B Natural.

Let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes.

So Dreyfus, then.

Keep firing, assholes!

So stay away from L names, then?

Is that a direct quote from AC/DC?

It has the same Latin root as a certain anti-gay term. I've always found that amusing.

Remember that guy who said we should have another Kent State, then tried to say he somehow intended to say the opposite of that? That's the same feeling I get here.

The old Bill Hicks routine applies to so many of these guys.

They say no one's ever beaten the Van Wyk…

I kind of expected Spectre to go there. Now there's a movie with no idea how to use Monica Belluci.

I'm on the spectrum, and was hoping for this show to get it right. The tricky thing is, it's called a spectrum because every single person is their own unique case study, and you're not going to get any kind of portrayal that applies to everyone. And I'm fully willing to believe the crew had the best intentions,

So risky!

Wasn't that something the Ninja Turtles said?

Throw in some of Don Bluth's stuff to make the bad guys too depressed to carry on.

At the least, it's incredibly obvious that (as Rowling herself has admitted) Arthur Weasley was going to die in Order of the Phoenix until she wimped out.

Apparently that doesn't apply to his work as a producer, given the prominent appearances of the Delorean in the trailer.