The Mighty Manotuar

That story has a similar function sure, but this line does come from The Killing Joke:

I like Tiny Rick’s song/cry for help

“Goodbye, Moonmen” was also pretty awesome.

Rick and Morty’s “Get Schwifty” was a jam.

Phil eats a whole jar of marijuana Candys, gets hungry, decides to make himself a California cheeseburger out of a couple of the kids.

It’s just preparing for the midterms.

Godzilla. Do not try and figure out Godzilla continuity, for that way lies madness.

Does anyone not?

as British soldiers storm violently through villages

I always said Robot Chicken should have done a sketch with a Predator getting caught soliciting an underaged Xenomorph. 

Classic Rando!

I did not know, until researching for this recap, that the version of “Street Life” heard here and in Jackie Brown was not the Crusaders’ 1979 original, but a Doc Severinsen re-recording for the Sharkey’s Machine soundtrack (1981), with Randy Crawford reprising her soaring vocals.”   I’m guessing you have not been

Well, you’d know.

“Hate you can trust!”

That Was A Weird One!

The Peril Partnership was first mentioned in Season 2, in Dr. Z’s Guild training video for protagonists, when he goes into the bit about how the guild is the superior choice for costumed aggression. The Peril Partnership and the Fraternity of Torment (Scaramantula’s guild) appear in the pie chart, and the guys in

I thought Rock would play Piccolo.

Kamehameha I: YOU. You little jabroni, sittin’ all pretty on that throne. What’s your name?

MGSV was a fun game. I loved the gameplay. And I loved the beginning sequence and the final twist.