The Mighty Manotuar

Looks like he stole something from that deli and is trying to make a quick getaway.

Did you expect anything less from Roddy McDowall?

Never really enjoyed his comedy antics, sure films like Good Morning Vietnam and shows like Mork and Mindy were great at the time but his later work like Bicentennial Man and Flubber ruined what could have been a much better film career. When you saw him drop the comedy and actually act the guy could do it. I rate his

Sounds like a terrible idea. Though please nobody inform the people running the DCEU of this idea just in case they decide Black Joker is a great idea and make a third Joker film about this.

Even a cameo from some of those would overshadow Momoa.

Can Bruce Wayne just opt out of Jury Duty? Has he rigged the system so he’s been put on the Fries case?

Beast Boy seems to have some mammary glands left over from his previous transformation.

But then that means that there’s two people out there with Bruce Willis face and 3 people with M. Night Shamalamadingdong face.

Really cause since the first i think they’ve been getting worse all the time. I’ve seen all of them so far and couldn’t tell the difference between the last 3 if you showed them to me. And the only reason i could tell you which one was the 2nd is because of Thandie Newton.

Only third?

Maybe they should get John DiMaggio to voice over Momoa’s acting. Wait that might actually work.

Not that big? He’s gonna be overshadowed by nearly everyone else on the cast, Patrick Wilson, Nicole Kidman, Willem Dafoe and even Amber Heard will all shine brighter than Momoa ever will.

Jingle All the Way isn’t a movie either...

I could sell you the fridge in the top left, its just an old MK/Cornelius Statesman fridge thats just been painted.

Five Jokers? I’m seeing double!

You’d think if the Justice Dept are getting involved the Justice League can’t be too far behind, they do have a lot riding on this.

But... Ewoks?