The Mighty Manotuar

And everyone of those days is a bonus to us.

He should get Shereen to do the Scot’s Urdu version.

A romance between Cheetah and WW you say.......

The political strife of the merpopulation is leading to extinction?

Sex Puppets?

You joke but i remember seeing an advert for porn during an ad break for kiddies TV on RTL+ way back in the late 80's.

So are there mermen in this setting? How do they reproduce?

Is it a book thats trying to convey the feeling of dyslexia to us normals?

Because of the “Venison is the new kale” comment and the fact that serving Foie Gras is considered “unethical” vegans think this gives them the right to harass people and their legally ran businesses.

Thats pretty cheap...

Thats pretty cheap...

Yet they still couldn’t hide the biggest truth of all. It was shite!

So has none of season 9 been kept? No lesbian mother or sister?

You’ve gotta worry about some people when they feel threatened by the ladies joining in on their pastime.

Your actors are starving. Carl’s Jr. believes no actor should go hungry. You are an unfit director. Your actors will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr.

I take it the popularity of the character determines the rate at which the infection spreads

Exactly, he should have just been proud of his own game and not compared it to a game not even in the same genre.

TBH i think a kick in the nads is way more interesting than Metal Gear Survive.

Bit of a disappointment after one of the developers claimed it would be better than Gears of War.

Poison Ivy and it’s sequels were films i was forced to watch as a young teen,,, yes lets go with forced.

Ahh remember the anticipation of nudity from two of the most beautiful girls in acting at the time only to be greeted by Kevin Bacon’s semi flaccid penis.