
I would like to be invited, if one of you don't mind?

No 42-inch? I mean, I'm not really all about 3D, but I'd like to try it.

I think that picture would be a great wallpaper. Source?

HAHAH, that was very clever.

Hold on, let me fly to Africa real quick to see my friend that I've known since birth who left for 6 months. No wait, I'm not going to do that because I'm lazy. Oh! I'll call her! No wait, I'm not going to do that because it's expensive. I guess I'll just keep in touch over Facebook.

I mean, I can see hitting a cop they know to be racist, but burning down the prison? That doesn't even make sense.

@groolthedemon: Oh, no. That's not it. I always have more than enough power, I just like different designs more. And it changes a lot. But yes! I always try to think ahead! Haha

@groolthedemon: I wish I could sympathize. I hate the way I am with computers. I change mine out almost every 6 months. But, I'm only 18 and just graduated. Moving out in about a month, maybe me living on my own will slow down my habits. I'm hoping it does.

@MaverickTopGun: I liked it.. There were definitely things that could've made it better, though.

@groolthedemon: Takes me less than 4 seconds to open iTunes, and I have 1,353 songs. (Small library, I know)

@elephantattack: I thought it wasn't even the same girl. Then I realized they just pasted some other girls face over.

@bombastinator: Lethologica means that he couldn't remember the word to use.

@verditsgerman: I kinda feel like your info wasn't stolen, then posted on the internet..

Haha, thanks! I'm glad people can can see this post now!

Well, since I'm not stared or whatever, I doubt many people will see this BUT I have an application called Cinch, and it does exactly what Windows 7 Snap feature does. It's seamless, and has a free version.

Unfortunately, the girl-dating-a-douche-bag's status will most likely change back. The cousin's will most likely not.

It makes me sad when you've been close to someone and they don't even have the decency to call me for a break-up. Like, I thought they respected me more then that.

I started reading. I don't think it was real love, but the worlds in those books helped me away from reality. Also, I haven't stopped reading (new hobby) and I can deal with things better. Hey, it's better than speeding on curvy road like I used to do.