@theose is nominal: reminds me of the Doors first album cover
@theose is nominal: reminds me of the Doors first album cover
I have always herd that those who are left handed circle to the right and those who are right handed go to the left and that the only way to avoid this problem is to have a left and a right handed person together
Not to long a go I got a desktop for free because it blue screened every start up. To start off with I opened it up to clean out the dust balls and made sure everything was pushed in. Plugged it in and then it booted up fine! haven't had a problem since
This is and always has been the wrong way for music companies to deal with Downloading. By attacking individual people they distance them selves from their market. As of now there is no right way to deal with this because there is no set example, but a few countries are making headway with add funded services like…