
It invites a comparison with Breaking Bad where this show makes us like people, then makes the people do horrible things.

I was like "How much lithium did Black Cindy give her?"

I did consider adding to my comment that there's a running theme where the biggest difference between the prisoners and the guards/staff is that someone decided to throw the book at the prisoners and look the other way with the guards/staff, but I didn't want to go in too many directions at once.

I get that this show is about how the system itself is broken, I truly get that.

Definitely some dragging plot lines, but I can't say it was better or worse than the last two seasons.

Negative stuff:

Because their lawyer is a Jew…wwwwwwwwwwwwish man?

Dear Dan,

Is this a rhetorical question?

I dunno jack about military history so this may be an invalid comparison, but here goes:

I'm rewatching the first season before diving into the second, and dude…

Fieldwork Brewery in NorCal made a shower beer.

To be fair, Obama looked like the ref at a tennis match last night.

The Reign of Error

It's best when you get home after a night of hiking and you can't decide whether you want to take a shower, drink a beer, or go to sleep.

Finally, a brave soul has shown us the way forward in these dark times!

In a better world, one where love could overcome strength and duty, we'd never see Essos again, but we don't live in that world.

Then Nymeria came out of the woods and ate everyone.

Denali's not just a mountain in Alaska.

It's really more like a Mongol stereotype.