
There is a spider… spider… spider…
He's deep in my soul… soul…

Charlie and the waitress!

In retrospect, Interview With The Vampire should have just been 2 hours of live-action yaoi.

I liked him better in Orange Is The New Black.

RPattz was 21 when the first movie was made. Going to college is way more interesting than going to high school.

Nice username/comment synchronicity there.

I didn't understand the adventure-free vampire lifestyle.

He's a Nazi Muslim socialist communist…

Then be like, "So… who's wearing the cuffs?" ;)

About the cam girl:

I listened to Broken and Pretty Hate last month.

True story: I was working with this guy who I'd guess was about 30. Hispanic and from San Bernardino. We were shooting the breeze about the election and all of a sudden all this fascist ideology comes pouring out of him.

You ever watch CNN?

Sexy Weather Girl Is Sexy! Film at 11!

I done, you done, she dunst…

"…They don't shy away from jumping into the technical river."

I believe you have mein stapler.

I believe you have mein stapler.

My struggle is a great struggle, the best.

I submit "Orange is the New Black" as an example of a show where some of the subplots are great and others just meh.