
My grandmother would get soooo pissed when I said that. She always thought I was saying "fasz"...

For real? I figured it was just another rumor, like black guys are huge... I thought for the most part, all guys were, uh, "average". Hmmm...

I was referring to 2008. And, I agree with you about W.

Maybe us round-eyes would have better luck?

And sometimes they win... Like last time...

HAH! We'll co-submit. How about that? :-)

There's a special place in my heart for this little gem....

Same reason Diamond rings from Tiffany cost 3-5x what you could get the same one for elsewhere.

Yes. We are....

I bet she'll clean up just fine....

That was spectacular.

six weeks...

Thanks, I'll keep posting them. Once I have a few that I REALLY like, I'm going to print a set on stretched canvas as "fine art" for my house. The GT form a couple days ago will definitely be part of the set.

I like that motto. :-) And the story.

I'm having alot of fun with these....

Hmmm.... You make a good point.

Indeed. Funny thing is, a good friend of mine, who is probably the "gayest" gay person I know has a blacked 4x4 Ford expy... And by gayest, I mean he dressed up as a hot-dog-on-a-stick girl for Halloween, and a geisha the year before.

Dresses are feminine, too. What if a guy is wearing a dress?

classic... :-)

If you have a penis, and drive this, i have bad news for you....