
this is actually a brilliant idea, but the safety required would be cost prohibitive I believe.

Same reason you call soccer, football. :-)


very excellent COTD, well done!

4th Gear: FUCK YES!!! More R Cars!

Ahhhh. Yeah, that makes sense.... Fucking terrorists...

Couldn't they have just cleared the area and shot an RPG into it or something? Legit question, I don't know how this stuff works... Why risk a human?

Windex, baby! Works every time!

I bet you could fit 2 of everything in there...

You lost me at "Aljazeera"...

Sad, but true. Some people also think Guy Fieri and Rachel Ray are good cooks.

Looks like the work of seal team Wert.

Sweet. On what page does Obama look skyward and rip open his shirt to reveal the "S" underneath?

If so, i hope it's gorilla glass.

Buying anything from Monster, especially for $750 is ill advised. Like Bose, they are a marketing machine with mediocre product.

They are. Most HTIB systems are crap, or mostly crap.


it's cool, man. :-) Anyone who would track that car, doesn't deserve it. Drive it? Hell yes. Track it? You'd have to be fucking crazy. Or haz opulence.

If by charming you mean swarming with beautiful, scantily clad women, i agree. And the city itself is quite nice too.

Real deal or replica? Inquiring minds want to know! I want to know!