
Yes, D. My bad

or maybe something subtle / classy, like WPOD. Forced meme is forced...

Plus I still cant get over the acre of C pillar...

Don't take this the wrong way, but the ridiculous headline is getting ridiculous.

I bet you could he a sweet deal on a H2 though....

Because an original will be hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a good replica will be $20-30k, and more reliable.

That like asking what's your favorite ice cream flavor. It depends on the mood really.

I've always like the '50 merc from Cobra

REDACTED... My bad...

Step Three: It's not gay if it's a 3-way.

Holy shit. 1M poly's per vehicle? Crazy. Back in the VERY early days of 3Dfx, when we were building the first voodoo graphics processor, this would have only been a (wet) dream. The SGI Onyx with Reality Engine 2 we were using to run chip simulations couldn't have even pulled it off, and that was a $300K piece of

World's largest auto enthusiast site? For real? Damn, nice work, Ray...

I sure did! I nvr clamd to be a goood typst.

Oh, Lolo! For one night, this ride would be more fun than the 360.

the white / red and orange / black RS color schemes would look delicious also

Huh? I don't even know what you're responding too.

Damn. I was gonna buy one, but no solid axle...

Audi R10 TDI

Yeah, i boned it on the stat. I was thinking natural gas. My bad. Still, 1%!?!?! That's 1% too much! :-)

Hah! Beat me to it. Well played.