Their hair, too - hair isn't alive.
Enh, that toilet seat thing is gonna push it over the edge anyway. D'oh!
I actually learned this from another AV Clubber some years back, in discussion of the TV show “Hannibal”:
I could tell right away - the first Fozzie looked different. Go back sometime and check the first season or two of “The Muppet Show”.
“Eh, you know the most unbelievable part of this story?”
Egad. Is anyone actually under the impression that the vast majority, if nt ot all, of the characters killed in “Infinity War” are not coming right back in the next movie?!?
I was an extra in the scene with Happy, filmed in Atlanta's Piedmont Park. Glad there's a venue for watching the whole scene - maybe I'll see myself!
“the most thirsty, sunburned, retired dads and grandpas”
Every once in a while, he’ll turn to camera and do THAT face, and the audience will go nuts.
Hey... hey... let's tell him we built the Wall... and that IT'S INVISIBLE TOO.
Hmmph! Sounds like SOMEONE is an AmeriCAN'T instead of an AmeriCAN.
Thanks Cookie. I just had to read the words "Me Like Fucking" in your voice, which has wounded me psychologically.
Discovering Douglas Adams was a milestone for me too, but even before him (at age almost-11) was “Mad Magazine”. I think that brought the first realization to me that no one knew anything, institutions were clumsy and broken, and even the things you loved and respected were worthy of ridicule.
Danke schoen!
Ooooooooh, Henry!
Well comics have helped to ensure that millions of nerds never have sex, so in a way, it's already happened.
That would be FANTASTIC.
“Pretty cute for a cop”