Mr. Snrub

A bloody good time!

"Sisters don't routinely engage in threesomes."

Yeah, but that could be little more than language facility. Maybe he just can't express himself that well in words.

As I recall, the VHS release of "Batman" about 5 months after the movie came out in '89 was the catalyst. We can mark that as the beginning of the temporal apocalypse.

Oh yeah - it bugs the hell out of me and I wonder how it got started. Prevalence of cop and forensic TV shows, maybe?

And Doctor Who was actually a Marvel character for a while! :D

(Shrugs, watches.)

The 1st Doctor's clothes apparently changed while he was under that blanket thing.

I like Gatiss. ("League of Gentlemen" fan reporting in.)

Three and a little bit, yeah (all had some specials which pushed them towards four years of BEING the Doctor even when they didn't necessarily have a full season in there.)

Apparently the current show is bloody hard to do for the star.

Why, there's nothing on Earth like a bona-fide, electrified, six-car monorail!

That's, like, totally Doctor Who.

I didn't understand, like, 40% of what you just said.

Probably she and her water-space pilot girlfriend zap back to visit. Easy!

Jesus fuck - for a second I thought Harvey was laughing so hard he burst a vessel.

So did I!

The answer is "a cat".

Oh, I've long been an appreciator!

I like the song!