Mr. Snrub

That's why I keep going back!

I already do!

Ego, the Living Planet: "She was into it when WE we're getting funky! HAW YEAH!"

Well, for some of us who eat our feelings, "Come and Get Your Love" has never been so appropriate.


"I wish to enter into evidence two ticket stubs from 'Fences'."

Sexy perky Goths are wonders of this world. The rest… enh.

I love black licorice, but Jesus Fucking Christ.

Funny - that's all the local ice cream van sells.

Carvel of Souls

It's called, uh, "Lick My Cone".

You should've seen the flavor they WANTED.

I have trouble digesting dairy now, but I NEED IT IN MY MOUTH.

Why must you crush Modusoperandi's dream?

Perhaps some photos…

I thought "Chobani" was the name of some foreign leader somewhere. Who can keep up with all these other countries and their Kings and presidents and premieres and whatnot?!? We need a good world government to simplify things!

Me neither! What's up with those guys?!?


One more grand, ancient tradition, passed away like so many summer breezes.

There ABSOLUTELY were.