
I only watched this for the article, I swear....

Shoutout to Riley for helping me identify the names of two of those Christmas Carol deep cuts.

Reminds me of this print ad for the film Legend, which got many a 4+ star review, but cleverly hid a 2-star review from The Guardian in it.

You are not the first person I’ve heard such a story from. Would love to chat about it: kashmir.hill@gizmodomedia.com

What we were promised:

Well I at least knew that Amazon is sharing our household browsing history with Facebook. A few years ago, Facebook nearly spoiled my wife’s xmas gift to me via an Amazon ad.

Y’all, keep in mind that the check was $1,000 for THREE WEEKS of pay. A nigga can’t even make over $300 a week without raising suspicion. 

No? A thousand dollars is an absurdly small amount of money for a bank teller to even raise an eyebrow over, never mind call the cops. Even at minimum wage, that’s still within the realm of possibility for a payroll check. Surely they’ve gotten thousand dollar checks from other black people before without calling the

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

Speaking as someone who holds a few copyrights at this point: Copyright is created the moment the IP is created; so long as there’s a record of “hey, I did/published/composed/performed this thing first,” you’re the copyright holder, full stop.

You can make your life easier from a legal standpoint by registering

This past weekend, I was talking to my wife about a baseball related print that I saw hanging on a wall somewhere, and that I thought it would make a good Christmas gift for our son. She agreed, and I did some googling and found it. It’s sold only on a small, baseball related website. I bought it. Not 5 minutes later,

I beaned Horace from shipping at the company picnic softball game and all that got me was a trip to HR.

“I’m the man... plain and simple,” he said in a Facebook message.

Nowhere did they say it’s a day 1 patch. All they said was that it’ll be released at a later date.

Jesus Christ. People are glad now that Developers don’t release a complete game and has to add in shit after launch???

Serial Season 3 should have been the one to go viral. Far more vital and important to look at the quotidian injustices within and as an intended part of the justice system, which is something I’ve never had to deal with before and had only seen fictional depictions of so everything here was eye-opening.


This evening, my friends and I wanted to really experience the feminist side of the internet so we went to Jezebel. There aren’t enough words to describe how awful it was.

Film the first season and scrap the rest. Like, it had the perfect formula for success: audio X-files! But then everything had to tie-in, like...terribly so, and they kept muddying the mythology to the extent that it just ruined the mystique. And then the “finale” was...well, it wasn’t great. But I kept at it. This