

Mike played a key role in the development of other BioWare titles, such as Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

It is more convenient, but knowing that the devs earn a greater percentage would make me change my platform of choice. I like Steam fine, but less money for the middleman seems great to me.

If only there was some sort of place where you could publicly criticize games like maybe a website where people can post their opinions or something. Seriously, it’s inane to act like Steam reviews are the only place people can post their opinions. I guess Blizzard’s launcher not having reviews means no one can ever vo

Bah ... see ... who needs regulation?!!!! No one! Companies will always do what’s best for customers .. because they love us! And the “free” market will of course take care of everything! Fuck yeah!

Some bean counter in the AT&T conglomerate realized they were “suffering” serious “revenue leakage” by prorating and returning money for unused services.  I’m sure they have updated their terms and contracts an such to cover for this.  But I find it hard stomach that I’m basically not allowed to cancel a service on

Yeah, I am a “hugger” but you know who I hug? my friends and family who have expressed they are good with hugs ... not colleagues

OH MY GAOD IT WAS SO AWFUL! I had to make so many photocopies that my fingers like totally got dry and cracked, and I ran out of the lotion that is custom made for me at my family’s cosmetics lab in Japan and I had to use the office administrator’s bottle of Jergens. FUCKING JERGENS! I had to scrub my hands in boiling

and almost as if on cue, AOC is tweeting about it:

This is the second flop in a row they were involved in. The publishing side of the company also publish Raid: WW2 made by a company that worked on Payday DLC. That game flopped so bad it killed the studio and has a current average playerbase of less than 25 on a good day after being out maybe half a year.

You’re assuming that that decision could be made while leaving enough cash reserves in the tank to pivot to a new project. For companies that have grown to the awkward “medium size company” that’s rarely the case. They’re not big enough that they can keep many irons in the fire to hedge against the risk of any one

If I had to guess, I would say they banked everything on the license carrying it further than it did. When Telltale (the only company to make a good TWD game) went belly up they probably realized they were fucked.

you’re asking why did they simply not make the game good?

TMZ just needs to be the NFL investigation agency...because they apparently know how to get hotel video tapes.  

The Smile Sessions are so incredibly good! Heroes and Villains is masterful. I love every single piece of it and every single outtake. It’s a complete left turn from all their previous surfer-based material. The melodies and harmonies and complete zaniness of it are the very best. I’m so glad that they did finally

My question is what the fuck. 

This is a serious question I’m going to ask in an un-serious way. Hows a goofy old dude supposed to try and fuck? Or I guess less callously when does pursuit become Sexual Misconduct?

I will record any non-racist/non-hateful message the Deadspin commentariat wants for $5*. That’s two orders of magnitude less! Serious offers only**.

There were a lot of poor decisions being made by the individuals in that video.