Thanks! That makes perfect sense. I just sent an email to opt-out of the new clause.
Thanks! That makes perfect sense. I just sent an email to opt-out of the new clause.
Idiot here. Can someone give me a hypothetical situation where I’d wished I’d done this, or perhaps another hypothetical situation where I’d wished I’d hadn’t?
Does anyone have any educated guesses what the letter limit cap will be? I like to use the same name I have here (or a variant with a couple extra letters), but some sites won’t allow even Heroesandvillains because it’s too long.
How long have you been at Amazon? Your post reads like you’ve been there awhile (sorry if I’m mistaken). If so, why isn’t your hourly rate higher than their lowest $15 hourly rate?
When the whole QAnon “the great awakening” thing got banned on Reddit I wondered where all the idiots would start hanging out. Apparently this answer is Albert Burneko’s inbox. Yikes.
So by the language used here, if you already own AC III on PC this will not be a free upgrade then? Assuming not, but I know some publishers have given PC upgrades away on the platform in the past so I figure it’s not the stupidest question ever to ask for clarification on.
I completely agree. With the way I interacted with the first game (strictly solo, doing everything the base game had to offer), I think this is a very fair way to do it. I can definitely understand the frustration on the side of the more competitive PvP’ers, but a game like this needs to monetize beyond the release…
The first The Division is one of my most favorite games in recent memory. Personally, I never set foot into the Dark Zone. The game had so much amazing and fulfilling solo content without it.
A couple years back I decided to binge-watch the Marble Hornets series and I have to say, it is a damn treat. This thing is so well made, acted and written (especially considering as far as I’m aware they are/were not professionals). I was on the edge of my seat and couldn’t wait to continue through it.
I’m an English speaking American and a huge Oasis fan and came here to post specifically about Liam Gallagher too. Especially in early interviews of his I can’t understand a word of it.
Wow I really really enjoyed that.
Hmm. I’m trying to understand what this means, and envision a scenario where games that are more like platforms (in my case, I’m thinking specifically about Arma 3 which is pretty much entirely user made content) don’t overwhelm the developers so much that it could even be a sustainable product anymore.
I’m sure that the suggestion has been considered or put on the table, but I didn’t read about it in the article. What if the Fallout Wikia team made 17 of their own videos, and the hosting company used those instead? I realize this doesn’t solve the auto-play problem, but if they could meet in the middle on the…
Wow if you can’t get off the ship this game is definitely not for me. I was sort of envisioning a world you could explore that had islands you could discover, just with a focus on ship combat. I wasn’t expecting the ship thing to be the entire concept.
The entire inverview was fun to watch. I hope someday I’ll love something as enthusiasticly as he does writing and making games.
Todd Howard is a real master in PR. He looks and acts so confident and likable.
Hmm. I have to wonder if this is the kind of game I’d normally consider to be something I’d like. Part of me feels like it’s not my cup of tea at all. That said, they built so much goodwill with me over The Witcher 3 and what an absolute masterpiece it is, I think I’ll give this a chance and trust their vision.
I can’t believe how long I had to scroll down for a positive comment. I wholeheartedly agree. Although I don’t consider myself a person that generally likes loot, bullet sponges, or online only games; The Division just has this really special something. It’s easily the best game I’ve played in a very long time and…
Explosion: The Trailer
Hell yeah. I just recently started giving As You Were a second listen and I have to say, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I originally did. Almost all the songs are pretty uptempo and catchy. And although the lyrics are sort of so-so, Chinatown is a very special song and maybe one of the best melodies I’ve heard in a…