I re-read my post and my sarcasm certainly wasn’t as apparent as I had hoped. My apologies.
I re-read my post and my sarcasm certainly wasn’t as apparent as I had hoped. My apologies.
Quick question for all of you AV enthusiasts. I have a 1080p TV that I use exclusively for my PS4 and gaming PC. I know for sure my gaming rig will not fare will with 4K.
Oh jeez. Apparently it isn’t the game’s fault for the performance issues, but everyone with a PC just overestimates their system’s capabilities and doesn’t know how to update their drivers and OS:
Deleted previous post. It’s not worth it. Sanders was set up to fail by the very party he ran for and was supposed to be unbiasedly supported by. If you can’t see that there’s no sense in continuing this conversation. And for the record, I’m a liberal.
Did you conveniently forget how even the DNC stacked the deck against him?
What do you expect when the very party who’s umbrella you’re running under doesn’t even support you? Just because it doesn’t support your argument doesn’t make the DNC actively working against Sanders any less real.
I see your point but shouldn’t the people who vote with party lines no matter what be excluded from this analysis?
Thanks for the article and safe space to talk, Stephen!
My best friend is an Albanian Muslim and he’s currently not a citizen. The first thing I thought of this morning is if he’ll be allowed to stay and continue down his path.
Hmm. I’m moderately intrigued. The article seems to imply dying is totally inevitable no matter how well you scavenge .
If people were entitled to a refund every time a comedian said something offensive, no one would ever pay to watch a stand-up routine.
Would you have wanted your money back if you were at this show?
I’ve started, and restarted...and restarted this game a few times now. I feel like maybe I’m just too stupid to play The Division. I just simply don’t understand what the menu means, for example when picking up new loot.
It’s almost like maybe they have information we don’t! :)
OT and will likely go unanswered (seeing as I’m gray), but what happened to Hillary Clinton’s accent?
I’m thrilled you ended up writing this. I had a feeling you would with the original reply and it’s cool you guys had a chance to chat.
Apparently yes! Unless I’m blind but I swear I didn’t see it there before when I read the “winners.”
Sort of OT but I’m new to the in-game Mods tab for Bethesda.net. Do the mods on their page auto-update in a similar fashion to Steam Workshop as the respective authors push out patches or is this more akin to Nexus where you need to follow the threads and update the mods manually?
This was the first game ever on my PC to give me horrible audio problems. It’s not that the audio isn’t clear(ish), but the master volume was so so low I literally couldn’t play the game with my Sony Gold’s and had to seek out advice on Steam forums for help.