
Have you seen the latest “cast members” on Moonshiners?  At least the originals *looked* like hillbillies, but now half of them look like models.

“Bitches leave!"

Whatever happened to "blame the parents"?

The solution is obviously matching Peletons for the happy couple.

I almost got some cocaine for this but the gauze balloon worked first...hurt like hell though

The Mustang II looks like a big Pinto, so it has to be that one.

This is a vehicle for someone looking to make a human-skin-suit.

Probably the Jonas brother...or Torsten.

For the price, I thought it was going to be the Stallone Cobra Merc at a huge markup (“Cobra” didn’t do *that* great)

What are the odds that Keefe winds up having to carry that cross, and Torsten helps him carry it over the line?

Presumably, the $5k would go in a pre-seeded high interest account, since $5k barely gets you to free maintenance fees.

At the end of the day, you’re paying $7500 for a 15-year old car that once cost about $60K.”

At $850k it seems kind of underpriced for a 2022 hypercar.

It's his gap year

Meh...paint it white, up the ask to $10k and hope some rube buys it ironically.

“Not enough action...too much Smalltalk.”

I remember Hook as one of first movies that MTV really pushed to the moon, and when I saw it in theaters, was really disappointed. The problems I had with the film were that a) it was aimed at audiences a little younger than I was at the time (15), and b) I didn’t know enough of the Peter Pan story, while the movie

The costume design continues to kick all kinds of ass.

2002 BMW 325....passengers slamming doors broke the window actuator twice, and ignition coils had to be replaced twice...in 4 years.

Charlie had managed to scrape together just over $57,000"