Came looking for this, leaving happy!
Came looking for this, leaving happy!
Or feed them after Midnight!
Was wondering when somebody was gonna bring that up. It’s amazing, even the Kremlin internet trolls know not to try and defend that one.
You’re absolutely one of the dumber Putin-bots we’ve had. That takes real effort. Congrats friend.
Are you a fucking russian pilot? Are you telling me a trained fighter pilot can’t see when he’s being tracked and see a large gatling gun spin up from a short distance away as he flies pretty much straight at it?
That would send a terrible message. F-22's are stealth and Russia wouldn’t be able to see them.
Exactly, way different scenarios. If these were navy hornets or Polish friendlies, this gets filed under ‘neat photo ops.’ We’re in international waters, if they want to conduct recon on our ships they have the right to do so, but it should be done responsibly and at safer distances. With repeated aggressive passes…
Unfortunately I think Russia is the one who has had an issue with figuring out where their borders are recently.
Russian naval aviation? Is the destroyer supposed to wait around while Russia tows its carrier into position?
Who said anything about carriers ? Stay on topic Boris!
So basically the Russians are that little shit that points close to your face and says “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you...”. That is until they get shoved into a locker.
I’ve said it all along. The more Russia declines, the more belligerent they’ll become.
Should have tracked it with CIWS and then when the plane got close spun up the guns. Lol hard as the Russian plane runs for its life.
I hope the crew of don’t all again resign en masse..., in terror of mother Russia’s might!
...and the majority is still crap.
the last thing steam needed was a portal to more (incomplete) indie shovelware, c’mon now.