
Must have been a really long time since you were in the Army.

No. He is doing it correctly. Cops, military, and federal agents are all trained to do that. The rifle is most likely on safe, the guy probably knows what he is doing, and the chances of a bump causing him to pull a trigger on an m4 hard enough to fire it is about zero. The way you described means it will take him

It's called a safety...

It’s a huge target, and the attendees are mostly american citizens.

Are you suggesting they should have no security?

Are you suggesting they should only hire private security, that lacks all the special government tech like fighter jets and nuclear bomb detectors?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

I’m sorry that a big

Spare me. You want me to feel sorry for the Japanese, who butchered tens of MILLIONS of people in China and the Pacific, most of them innocent civilians? And who started the damned war with the US in the first place? Or for the North Koreans, who currently run the most backward and oppressive society on Earth? Or

Count up all of those combined, and it’s still less than the amount of Russian civilians purged under Stalin. This is not a game you want to play.

These guys aren’t even worth engaging. They’re either naive or in denial about the fragility of the current Russian economy.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Gee, that wouldn’t be because you both are Russian shills, would it?

Wow, another great retort. What’s next, “yo mamma” jokes?

I guess when your own country is falling down around you, the best way to deal with it is to engage in wishful thinking that others may fall down, too— right comrade?

Moral equivalency is no substitute for actual knowledge.

Your grasp of economics is pretty awful. The U.S. might have the most sovereign debt but its debt to GDP ratio is less than many advanced economies. Russia’s ratio is right in line with Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan, hardly economic stars... Also the U.S. has 4.4% of the world population but holds $86 trillion in net

“The sad thing is in my heart of hearts, I don’t believe 99% of these deniers in congress actually think what they say is true. But they know where the checks come from.”

I also support the addition of cheeseburgers with vodka. That being said, most Russian soldiers are amateur conscripts that receive little in the way of training. Russia has some very good special operations units, but their rank and file is nothing to write home about.

Because what’s in it for Turkey? Russia has more to gain

Putin is not dumb, he will push it only so far, but will not risk getting NATO that involved, he can’t win that fight, what he’s doing is goading Turkey into doing something that NATO will not back and then they could possibly pull off another Ukraine stunt

We all will have to deal with far more than Russian arrogance if that happens

I’m waiting for (hoping for) Turkey to shoot down another Russian aircraft. Force is the only way to deal with Russian arrogance.