
Of course you would think that the metric system is cool, you pompous dickwads (most of which are overprivileged NYC transplants now claiming to be “real” New Yorkers) run around in your vintage EPL jerseys using collective noun verb agreement. If your pretentious fetish for all thinks European is so goddamned strong,

So you’re going to vote for an old Communist or a boring liar? Who’s the crazy one?

He signed a contract, sorry guy, no sympathy

“one makes movies fun”

Well for a 70k foot flyer it is about right!

more like deporting liberal turds like you, if you fucks love the foreignors so much, you should probably move there.

The reason Russia doesn’t have more overseas bases is that they don’t leave when asked. Also they can’t afford to anymore.

Russia signed a treaty with the Ukraine and violated it. Quit being Putin’s bitch.

Ah yes. The time honored Russian excuse of “America did something bad, therefore it’s okay when we do bad things”

Ideologically, Putin is a scumbag and not someone I’d want to live under. But there’s no denying the fact that he’s a very shrewd and effective leader who has made an absolute fool out of our president on every single possible occasion. I mean, he’s just run rings around him. It’s pathetic.

I did my time.. and Obama is still a giant pussy. Both are true. Obfuscate all you want.

Assad, via barrel bombing, gassing and general slaughter, has killed far more people than ISIS. A bunch of officials and generals are likely to be indicted for war crimes. Choosing between ISIS and Assad is like choosing between Ted Bundy and Jeffrey frickin’ Dahmer.

Yup. Putin is a bastard and a thug, but he’s also a very shrewd operator. The guy knows how to play the game.

They did great in Afganistan.

Honestly fuck it let them take over the problem there. Let them waste their money and time. Hell hopefully the terrorists will hate Russia as much as they do us and start taking some of the hate to them. I see that this could be a good idea for us.

Under his logic, the U.S. Can annex any territory it has a base in.

Yeah I’m sorry but they did not have the ‘right’ to annex part of Ukraine. They may have pulled it off without major consequences but it was still wrong. Legally and morally.

It would be nice if the US didn’t have a beta-male pussy for a president.

Obama will be out of office soon, so they have to get dug in fast before someone that gives a shit takes the reins. As they say, you gotta make hay while the sun is shining!

Well, I guess now we have an Iran/Russia dominated Middle East to look forward to. This should work out well for everyone.